Mortgages, Money & Life


Mortgages, Money and Life: 52 Lessons on a New Way of Looking at Owning a Home, Creating Wealth, and Making Smarter Decisions with Your Money.

Most people don’t understand money at the level they need to make smart financial decisions. As a result, they don’t do a good job managing the money they earn. Money flows in and out of their checking accounts, and they have very little to show for their hard work. Discover how to make better choices when it comes to your money and avoid the blind spots and achieve a better financial future.





What Other People Are Saying

“Mortgages, Money and Life has totally transformed the way I view my mortgage and the way I manage money. This book is full of expert financial planning advice but written in a really fun and interesting way. I would totally recommend this book to anyone who owns a home, is looking to refinance or is future home owner – it’s a highly valuable resource!”

“I was impressed hearing Trevor speak so adeptly on mortgages, money and life at a seminar last year so I was excited when I learned about his book. While there are many other works that cover similar topics, Trevor’s 52 lessons provide a much more holistic approach. I’ll come back to this book again and again as it serves as a great road map for making smart financial and life decisions. Also, I plan on buying copies for friends and relatives who could use Trevor’s insights to make intelligent decisions regarding life’s big choices.”

“Trevor Hammond puts solid life wisdom into easily digested nuggets. This is a great book for those getting started as well as those in teaching and mentoring roles looking for the right terms and language to use when sharing big ideas. I wish these concepts were shared more readily in high schools and colleges.”

“This book will change your life. Full on legit. Buy it and read it. Now.”